About Us
While Arts Business Collaborative looks forward to a future without inequity, we are aware that we just aren’t there yet. That is why we work.
This collaborative is making space within our society for growth, development, and cultural value — a space where the historically marginalized can get the resources they need to thrive in spite of social and economic pressures. Our work is reparative, encouraging long-term, effective, and sustained improvements to society by providing access that should exist, especially for minorities working through the arts and STEM.
When our society no longer needs to navigate this inequity, in fulfillment of ABC’s mission, we will dissolve.
ABC is a 501(c)3 technical assistance and research organization. Its mission is to improve the quality of life for people of color involved in the arts and STEM. Our services combat three factors that harm creative and professional endeavors: access to capital, networks, and knowledge. ABC aims to systemically improve the quality of life in communities of color through three main activities: Community Programs, the Arts Business Loan Fund, and the Co-Learning Community Fellowship.
Through community-centered programs, consulting, and action-oriented research, ABC addresses issues accessing capital, networks, and knowledge. ABC partners with people of color — with an emphasis on the communities and people identifying as Black, Latine, and Indigenous— to connect them with resources and leverage the economic value of their cultural capital to improve their quality of life.